Results for 'Karīm ʻUbayd ʻAlawī'

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  1.  10
    Kullīyāt al-maʻrifah al-lughawīyah ʻinda al-falāsifah al-Muslimah fī ḍawʼ al-lisānīyāt.Karīm ʻUbayd ʻAlawī - 2013 - al-Jazāʼir: Manshūrāt al-Ikhtilāf.
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    Covid-19 and the decolonisation of education in Palestinian universities.Bilal Hamamra, Nabil Alawi & Abdel Karim Daragmeh - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (14):1477-1490.
    Despite the severe social, health, political and economic impacts of the outbreak of Covid-19 on Palestinians, we contend that one positive aspect of this pandemic is that it has revealed the perils and shortcomings of the teacher-centered, traditional education which colonizes students’ minds, compromises their analytical abilities and, paradoxically, places them in a system of oppression which audits their ideas, limits their freedoms, and curtails their creativity. While Israeli occupation has proven to be an obstacle in the face of the (...)
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    al-Zamān fī fikr Ibn Taymiyah: dirāsah fī naqdihi maqūlat al-zamān wa-mutaʻalliqātihā al-ʻaqadīyah ʻinda mufakkirī al-Islām.Fāṭimah Imām ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz ʻUbayd - 2021 - al-Qāhirah: Markaz Iḥyāʼ lil-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt.
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  4. Fi al tariq ila mujtamaʻ afdal.Nizār ʻUbayd - 1972
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  5. Fī al-tasyīr wa-al-takhyīr: bayna al-falsafah al-ʻāmmah wa-falsafat al-qānūn.Raʼūf ʻUbayd - 1971 - al-Qāhirah: al-Hayʼah al-ʻĀmmah lil-Kutub wa-al-Ajhizah al-ʻIlmīyah, Maṭbaʻat Jāmiʻat ʻAyn Shams.
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  6. Kitāb al-arbaʻīn fī faḍāʼil Āl al-Bayt al-ṭāhirīn.ʻAbd Allāh ibn Ṣāliḥ ibn Muḥammad ʻUbayd - 2021 - al-Kuwayt: Mabarrat al-Āl wa-al-Aṣḥāb.
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    Saykūlūjīyat al-saʻādah fī al-Sunnah al-Nabawīyah: ruʼyah li-ḥayah muṭmaʼinah ijābīyah.Sundus ʻĀdil Jāsim ʻUbayd - 2020 - al-Kuwayt: Sharikat Dār Madá lil-Daʻāyah wa-al-Iʻlān wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ wa-al-Intāj al-Fanī.
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    Nexus between corporate governance, CSR and earnings management: moderating role of leverage and firm size.Suha Mahmoud Alawi - 2024 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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  9. Fī qabḍat al-thaqāfah: naẓarāt wa-ruʼá ḥawla al-jasad.Hishām ʻAlawī - 2004 - [Rabat]: Ittiḥād Kuttāb al-Maghrib.
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  10. Adlajat al-Islām bayna ahlihi wa-khuṣūmih.Saʻīd Binsaʻīd ʻAlawī - 2008 - al-Qāhirah: Ruʼyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    al-Simyūlisānīyāt wa-falsafat al-lughah: baḥth fī tadāwulīyāt al-maʻná wa-al-tajāwuz al-dalālī.ʻAbd al-Salām Ismāʻīlī ʻAlawī - 2017 - ʻAmmān: Dār Kunūz al-Maʻrifah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  12. al-Ṭabīʻah wa-al-timthāl: masāʼil ʻan al-Islām wa-al-maʻrifah.Aḥmad ʻAlawī - 1988 - al-Rabāṭ: al-Sharikah al-Maghribīyah lil-Nāshirīn al-Muttaḥidīn.
  13. Fī al-difāʻ ʻan al-ijtihād wa-al-taḥdīth fī al-fikr al-ʻArabī al-Islāmī: abḥāth muhdāh lil-Ustādh Saʻīd Binsaʻīd al-ʻUlwī.Saʻīd Binsaʻīd ʻAlawī & Kamāl ʻAbd al-Laṭīf (eds.) - 2013 - al-Rabāṭ: Jāmiʻat Muḥammad al-Khāmis Akadāl, Kullīyat al-Ādāb wa-al-ʻUlūm al-Insānīyah bi-al-Rabāṭ.
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  14. Fuṣūl ʻan al-marʼah.Hādī ʻAlawī - 1996 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Kunūz al-Adabīyah.
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  15. Hady al-Qurʼān: qirāʼah nafsīyah wa-tarbawīyah wa-ijtimāʻīyah li-āyāt al-Qurʼān al-Karī Aḥmad ʻAlawī - 2022 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Walāʼ li-Ṣināʻat al-Nashr.
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    Identification of Factors Associated with Self-awareness among Diabetic Patients Attending AlZaher Primary Health Care Center in Makkah AlMukarramah City 2024.Hani Alawi, Hatim Khogeer, Yaser Azab, Sultan Aljumayi, Abdullah Alzahrani, Idris Fatani, Mohammed Boshnag, Wail Mutair, Malak Hasan, Abdullah Almalki, Nader Mutair, Ahmed Maher, Majdi Saad Alotaibi, Khalid Almasoudi, Nawaf Alotaian, Khalid Saad Alotaibi, Faez Alshihri, Hasan Albeshri & Abdulmalik Alawi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:3170-3182.
    Background: The prevalence of diabetes is rising worldwide, especially in poorer nations. It is anticipated to emerge as the sixth main cause of mortality globally by 2030. The factors linked to self-awareness in diabetes patients are still debated.Aim: To identify factors associated with self-awareness among diabetic patients attending Al-Zaher primary health care center (PHCC), Makkah Almukaramah City, Saudi Arabia 2024Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed using a randomized sample of diabetes patients visiting Al-Zaher Primary Health Care Center in Makkah AlMukarramah (...)
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    Khaṭafāt al-Quds.Aḥmad ibn Zayn al-ʻĀbidīn ʻAlawī - 2012 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān. Edited by Majīd Hādīʹzādah.
  18. Muʼallafāt Ibn Bājah.Jamāl al-Dīn ʻAlawī - 1983 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ, al-Maghrib: Dār al-Nashr al-Maghribīyah.
  19. Madārāt Ṣūfīyah: turāth al-thawrah al-mashāʻīyah fī al-Sharq.Hādī ʻAlawī - 1997 - [Damascus]: Markaz al-Abḥāth wa-al-Dirāsāt al-Ishtirākīyah fī al-ʻĀlam al-ʻArabī.
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  20. Majmūʻ thalāth rasāʼil fī al-sulūk: Bawāriq al-fiṭānah li-taqwīyat al-baṭānah, Mīzān ṭabaqāt ahl al-ḥaythīyāt wa-tanbīh li-maʻrifat rijāl ahl al-diyānāt wa-al-murūʼāt, al-Fuyūḍāt al-ilāhīyah wa-al-anwār al-Nabawīyah.Faḍl ibn ʻAlawī - 2018 - al-Kuwayt: Dār al-Ḍiyāʼ lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Anwar ibn ʻAbd Allāh Sālim Bā ʻUmar, al-Sayyid ʻAlawī ibn Muḥammad ʻAqīl al-Kāf & al-Sayyid ʻAbd al-Qādir ibn.
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  21. Naẓarīyat al-ḥarakah al-jawharīyah ʻinda al-Shīrāzī.Hādī ʻAlawī - 1983 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Ṭalīʻah.
  22. Naẓarīyat al-ḥarakah al-jawharīyah ʻinda al-Shīrāzī.Hādī ʻAlawī - 1971 - Baghdād,: Maṭbaʻat al-Irshād.
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  23. Rasāʼil falsafīyah lī-Abī Bakr Ibn Bājjah: nuṣūṣ falsafīyah ghayr manshūrah.Jamal al-din Alawi & Avempace - 1983 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ, al-Maghrib: Dār al-Nashr al-Maghribīyah. Edited by Avempace.
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    6 Writing Practices and Achievement.Mohammed Al-Alawi & Robert Kohls - 2012 - In Alister H. Cumming, Adolescent Literacies in a Multicultural Context. Routledge. pp. 74--74.
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  25. Majmūʻ mushtamal ʻalá thalāth wa-ʻishrīn risālah wa-dīwān wa-manẓūmah.ʻAbd Allāh ibn al-Ḥusayn Bāʻalawī - 2002 - Ḥaḍramawt: Maktabat Tarīm al-Ḥadīthah.
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  26. al-Ifādah bi-taʻrīf al-ʻādah.ʻAbd Allāh ibn al-Ḥusayn Bāʻalawī - 2009 - Tarīm, Ḥaḍramawt: Tarīm lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr. Edited by Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Qādir ʻAydarūs, ʻAbd al-Nūr & Muḥammad Yaslam.
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    A Training Strategy and Functionality Analysis of Digital Multi-Layer Neural Networks.R. Al-Alawi & T. J. Stonham - 1992 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 2 (1-4):53-94.
  28. Sharḥ al-tahdhīb.ʻUbayd Allāh ibn Faḍl Allāh al-Khabīṣī - 2022 - In Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar Taftāzānī, al-Majmūʻah al-manṭiqīyah: wa-taḥtawī ʻalá al-tadhhīb lil-Khabīṣī ʻalá Tahdhīb al-manṭiq wa-al-kalām lil-Taftāzānī, wa-ʻalayhi ḥāshīyatān, al-Tajrīd al-shāfī ʻalá Tahdhīb al-manṭiq al-kāfī lil-ʻAllāmah Muḥammad ibn ʻArafah a. Karkūk, al-ʻIrāq: Maktabat Amīr.
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  29. al-Sunan al-ijtimāʻiyah wa-manṭiq al-tadāfuʻ wa-al-taʻāruf al-ḥaḍārī.Bu ʻUbayd Ṣāliḥ Izdihār - 2014 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Kalimah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    A critique of science and R&D-based models of endogenous growth.Terence Kealey & Omar Al-Ubaydli - 2001 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 13 (4):37-48.
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  31. Sharḥ al-Khabīṣī.ʻUbayd Allāh ibn Faḍl Allāh Khabīṣī - 1965
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    Knowledge and Wisdom.ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻAlawī ʻAṭṭās - 2000 - Starlatch Press.
  33.  18
    7 Issues in Socialization, Literacy Learning, and Educational Processes.Alister Cumming, Mohammed Al-Alawi & Yuko Watanabe - 2012 - In Alister H. Cumming, Adolescent Literacies in a Multicultural Context. Routledge. pp. 74--87.
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    The Events of The December Revolution in Romania: Its Causes and Days.Tuqa Alawi Gaffer & Yousif Taha Hussein Al-Quraishi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1265-1271.
    There were major reasons that led to the fall of the Nicolae Ceausescu regime, foremost among which was the impact of the communist economic crisis on Romania, as well as the effects of the global economic crisis and Romania’s loss of Western support, in addition to the emergence of internal opposition calling for the restructuring of the Soviet bloc since the mid-seventies, due to the major economic crisis of the communist regime that was imposed on the peoples of the Soviet (...)
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    Mirʼāt al-sālik bi-muʻāmalat al-mulūk maʻa al-mālik.ʻAlawī ibn Muḥammad Ḥaḍramī - 2014 - Dimashq: Dār al-Taqwá lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Muḥammad Yāsir ibn Muḥammad Khayr Quḍmānī.
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    Jadal al-dīn wa-al-siyāsah ʻinda IbnʻAlawī Rashīd - 2018 - al-Jazāʼir: Ibn al-Nadīm lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Averroës, 1126-1198; criticism and interpretation; Islamic philosophy; Religion and ploitics.
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    Mushkilat al-jawhar ʻinda Ibn Rushd: bayna al-ʻilm al-ṭabīʻī wa-ʻilm mā baʻda al-ṭabīʻʻAlawī Rashīd - 2016 - Bayrūt: Maktabat Ḥasan al-ʻAṣrīyah lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Mawsūʻat al-akhlāq.ʻAlawī Saqqāf (ed.) - 2013 - al-Ẓahrān: Muʼassasat al-Durar al-Sanīyah lil-Nashr.
    al-mujallad 1. al-Iḥsān -- al-shahāmah -- al-mujallad 2. al-ṣabr -- al-waqār -- al-mujallad 3. al-Isāʼah -- sūʼ al-ẓann -- al-mujallad 4. al-Shamātah -- al-Yaʼs wa-al-qunūṭ.
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    Virtual competitions and the gamer’s dilemma.Karim Nader - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (3):239-245.
    This paper expands Rami Ali’s dissolution of the gamer’s dilemma (Ethics Inf Technol 17:267-274, 2015). Morgan Luck’s gamer’s dilemma (Ethics Inf Technol 11(1):31-36, 2009) rests on our having diverging intuition when considering virtual murder and virtual child molestation in video games. Virtual murder is seemingly permissible, when virtual child molestation is not and there is no obvious morally relevant difference between the two. Ali argues that virtual murder and virtual child molestation are equally permissible/impermissible when considered under different modes of (...)
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  40. Many worlds: decoherent or incoherent?Karim P. Y. Thébault & Richard Dawid - 2015 - Synthese 192 (5):1559-1580.
    We claim that, as it stands, the Deutsch–Wallace–Everett approach to quantum theory is conceptually incoherent. This charge is based upon the approach’s reliance upon decoherence arguments that conflict with its own fundamental precepts regarding probabilistic reasoning in two respects. This conceptual conflict obtains even if the decoherence arguments deployed are aimed merely towards the establishment of certain ‘emergent’ or ‘robust’ structures within the wave function: To be relevant to physical science notions such as robustness must be empirically grounded, and, on (...)
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    Complexity, trans-immanent systems and morphogenetic régulation: towards a problématique of calibration.Karim Knio - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (5):790-812.
    This article aims to study the intersection between critical realism and complexity theories through the existing literature on complex systems via an engagement with Luhmann’s autopoiesis. With reference to the philosophies of substance and persistence, I build on previous critical realist scholarship and provide an explanation for what the literature has only noted as the limitations and potentials of autopoiesis for complex systems thinking and its compatibility with Critical Realism. By highlighting how Luhmann’s autopoiesis is not a trans-immanent/ perdurantist-exdurantist system, (...)
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    The gamification of dating online.Karim Nader - forthcoming - Theoria.
    Dating apps like Tinder are designed to be played like a game. Users play by swiping left and right on others’ profiles to indicate whether they are romantically or sexually interested in them. They match with those who reciprocate their interest. The goal of the game is to match with as many people as possible, prioritizing rapid gratification over the pursuit of meaningful connections. Tinder’s design elements and monetization strategies incentivize users to prioritize gathering matches, replacing the complexity of actual (...)
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    Radicalizing numerical cognition.Karim Zahidi - 2020 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):529-545.
    In recent decades, non-representational approaches to mental phenomena and cognition have been gaining traction in cognitive science and philosophy of mind. In these alternative approach, mental representations either lose their central status or, in its most radical form, are banned completely. While there is growing agreement that non-representational accounts may succeed in explaining some cognitive capacities, there is widespread skepticism about the possibility of giving non-representational accounts of cognitive capacities such as memory, imagination or abstract thought. In this paper, I (...)
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  44. Feyerabend and Popper on Theory Proliferation and Anomaly Import: On the Compatibility of Theoretical Pluralism and Critical Rationalism.Karim Bschir - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (1):24-55.
    A fundamental tenet of Paul Feyerabend’s pluralistic view of science has it that theory proliferation, that is, the availability of theoretical alternatives, is of crucial importance for the detection of anomalies in established theories. Paul Hoyningen-Huene calls this the Anomaly Importation Thesis, according to which anomalies are imported, as it were, into well-established theories from competing alternatives. This article pursues two major objectives: (a) to work out the systematic details of Feyerabend’s ideas on theory proliferation and anomaly import as they (...)
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  45. Theoretical considerations for a meaningful code of professional ethics.Karim Jamal & Norman E. Bowie - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (9):703 - 714.
    The professions have focused considerable attention on developing codes of conduct. Despite their efforts there is considerable controversy regarding the propriety of professional codes of ethics. Many provisions of professional codes seem to exacerbate disputes between the profession and the public rather than providing a framework that satisfies the public''s desire for moral behavior.After examining three professional codes, we divide the provisions of professional codes into those provisions which urge professionals to avoid moral hazard, maintain professional courtesy and serve the (...)
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    On the Universality of Hawking Radiation.Karim P. Y. Thébault, Patricia Palacios & Sean Gryb - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (3):809-837.
    A physically consistent semi-classical treatment of black holes requires universality arguments to deal with the ‘trans-Planckian’ problem where quantum spacetime effects appear to be amplified such that they undermine the entire semi-classical modelling framework. We evaluate three families of such arguments in comparison with Wilsonian renormalization group universality arguments found in the context of condensed matter physics. Our analysis is framed by the crucial distinction between robustness and universality. Particular emphasis is placed on the quality whereby the various arguments are (...)
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  47. Existential Risks: Exploring a Robust Risk Reduction Strategy.Karim Jebari - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (3):541-554.
    A small but growing number of studies have aimed to understand, assess and reduce existential risks, or risks that threaten the continued existence of mankind. However, most attention has been focused on known and tangible risks. This paper proposes a heuristic for reducing the risk of black swan extinction events. These events are, as the name suggests, stochastic and unforeseen when they happen. Decision theory based on a fixed model of possible outcomes cannot properly deal with this kind of event. (...)
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    The Problem of Time.Karim P. Y. Thebault - 2022 - In Eleanor Knox & Alastair Wilson, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics. London, UK: Routledge.
    The `problem of time' is a cluster of interpretational and formal issues in the foundations of general relativity relating to both the representation of time in the classical canonical formalism, and to the quantization of the theory. The purpose of this short chapter is to provide an accessible introduction to the problem.
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    Understandings of genomic research in developing countries: a qualitative study of the views of MalariaGEN participants in Mali.Karim Traore, Susan Bull, Alassane Niare, Salimata Konate, Mahamadou A. Thera, Dominic Kwiatkowski, Michael Parker & Ogobara K. Doumbo - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundObtaining informed consent for participation in genomic research in low-income settings presents specific ethical issues requiring attention. These include the challenges that arise when providing information about unfamiliar and technical research methods, the implications of complicated infrastructure and data sharing requirements, and the potential consequences of future research with samples and data. This study investigated researchers’ and participants’ parents’ experiences of a consent process and understandings of a genome-wide association study of malaria involving children aged five and under in Mali. (...)
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    Interpreting Feyerabend: Critical Essays.Karim Bschir & Jamie Shaw (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This collection of new essays interprets and critically evaluates the philosophy of Paul Feyerabend. It offers innovative historical scholarship on Feyerabend's take on topics such as realism, empiricism, mimesis, voluntarism, pluralism, materialism, and the mind-body problem, as well as certain debates in the philosophy of physics. It also considers the ways in which Feyerabend's thought can contribute to contemporary debates in science and public policy, including questions about the nature of scientific methodology, the role of science in society, citizen science, (...)
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